RÊVE (Romantic Europe: The Virtual Exhibition): Writing exhibits

Introductory information

Each exhibit should:

  • Start from a single high-res, intriguing image, preferably as yet unavailable on the internet
  •  Be based on cutting-edge research
  • Begin with an introductory paragraph making claims for the importance and interest of the exhibit, which will finish with the instruction ‘Continue reading’
  • Be written in an accessible and entertaining style
  • Be no longer than 1000 words
  • Be in English (as the working language of the project), but also be provided in a language suitable to the derivation of the exhibit

It is desirable (although not essential) that exhibits:

  • Explicitly meditate on the transEuropean aspects of the exhibit
  • Derive from an archive/museum with collections relating to Romanticism, or from a specific funded project, or from Centre or event or exhibition devoted to Romanticism


Posts should follow the template below. Items marked with * are compulsory. Others are optional. In brackets is the Dublin Core (DC) metadata element that corresponds to each category.

*Title (DC title):
* Contributor (DC contributor):
*Location (DC coverage):
*Description (DC description): [this is where the bulk of the text + any references required are located]
*Date (DC date):
Creator (DC creator):
*Subject (DC subject):
*Media rights (DC rights):
Object type (DC type):
Physical Format (DC format):
Language (DC language):
*Related objects and collections within RÊVE (DC relation):
*Keywords (names, places, subjects):
*Publisher (DC publisher):
Digital collection record (DC source): and/or Catalogue number (DC identifier):