Collections for RÊVE are designed to make it more possible to use the virtual exhibition. They produce a new account of a topic (for instance, Romantic Authorship) through putting exhibits into new and meaningful relationships. The collection may reinforce or challenge existing understandings, but it should pursue the transEuropean manifestations of Romanticism through bringing exhibits together from across Europe.
5 steps to making a collection
- Decide on a working title
- Identify 6 or 9 exhibits. These will usually be pre-existing, but sometimes it will seem desirable to write up another exhibit to render the proposed narrative comprehensive
- Order the exhibits (some good ways to do this include chronologically, by type of exhibit, to contrast, or to mutually reinforce)
- Write an introductory essay for a general public of no more than 500 words, and put your name to it
- Write an additional couple of sentences identifying up to 3 further exhibits that might be of interest in relation to the collection, and explaining why (they might provide further evidence for one of your points, or extend the argument out in other directions)
- Send it to for consideration